For broadcast that use .ram application:
download in this site:
choose your version (in this case, Linux i686, English, .deb)
execute this command:
sudo dpkg -i RealPlayer11GOLD.deb
if this message appears:
Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
execute the command
apt-get -f install
and execute the command
sudo dpkg -i RealPlayer11GOLD.deb
Choose your broadcast and enjoy it.
just that.
Hello! The purpose of this page is to guide new users of Ubuntu who want to install and configure Ubuntu to the maximum the graphics mode. If use of the graphical environment is not possible, the guidelines seek to be as simple as possible, always geared to beginners of Ubuntu. Ours efforts is to explain using the newest version of Ubuntu, you have to pay attention when the blog shows tricks about an older ubuntu version and if that explanations are enough or appropriate for your situation.
Dicas para o Ubuntu
O objetivo dessa página é orientar usuários iniciantes do Ubuntu que desejam instalar e configurar o Ubuntu utilizando ao máximo o modo gráfico. Caso o uso do ambiente gráfico não for possível, as orientações buscam ser o mais simples possível, sempre voltadas aos iniciantes do Ubuntu. A versão utilizada do Ubuntu é sempre mais atual e estável de 64 bits.
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